Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Emergency Response System in the UK

Emergency Response System in the UK Emergency Response Systems in the United Kingdom By Khalil Jetha Emergency response protocol in the United Kingdom is unique, dependent on both the nature of the incident and the branch responding. The British police, whose existence spans hundreds of years, has streamlined emergency response using methods that incorporate the general public as well as a relatively new mode of operations which focuses on service orientation. In contrast, the specter of the privatization of healthcare services has driven British Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) to adopt a five-tiered system in order to maintain the smooth running of operations at the scene of major incidents. British policies are unique, catering to the ever-changing demands of a dynamic population. Incident response relies on the crisis response policies implemented; â€Å"simply put, the purpose of† British crisis response policies â€Å"are to help ensure the provision of effective and efficient crisis† service (Brock 1998, p. 46). All British crisis response involves a set system of application. The initial â€Å"crisis response task is for† authorities â€Å"to assess the impact of a given situation and determine if [their resources will be able to deal with the crisis† (Brock 1998, p. 94). Once the facts surrounding the crises are determined, the appropriate branches are then sent to the scene. Though policies and protocols exist to effectively approach urgent or compromising situations, the smooth running of operations is largely reliant upon an official government policy statement. While it serves to alleviate public concerns, â€Å"an important reason for developing a crisis response policy statement is to protect† public servants â€Å"from charges of negligence† (Brock 1998, p. 46). In the rush of incident response, operations at the scene are streamlined and practiced tirelessly; the most important aspects of incident response are those that allow emergency response official s to carry out the functions of their jobs. Educational programs and training regimens are required of all incident response teams. â€Å"Education and training helps instill in individuals the appropriate actions to take in different circumstances and mentally and physically prepares them to carry out† actions to ensure the smooth running of operations at the scene of a major incident (Davis 2003, p. 59). The many overlapping aspects of incident response duties among various departments necessitates a separation of duties and responsibilities; by establishing firmly the different responsibilities of incident response teams, the government enabled each sector to operate while minimizing legal liabilities in the course of action. The separation of responsibilities involves â€Å"sources of information shared among service departments† such as â€Å"police departments, coroner’s offices, fire departments, [and hospitals]† (Brock 1998, p. 47). Like incident response teams in most democracies, British incident response teams are subject to scrutiny from many angles as they are part of a larger bureaucracy at work. The British government not only delineates the duties to which a certain response team is obligated, but also restricts other teams from carrying out the duties of another team. All effective crisis response policy statements include components such as â€Å"a definition of what types of crisis situations will require a crisis response, a statement of official responsibilities during crisis response, and a statement of the government’s stance on crisis preparedness† (Brock 1998, p. 47). The most important systems are those that prevent the halt of incident response services, such as the establishment of public relations figures as well as figures who cater to the public both during and immediately following major incidents. Crisis response systems, after all, exist to respond both to â€Å"sudden and unexpected events† that â€Å"have the potential to affect a large number† of people’s â€Å"social and emotional well being† (Davis 2003, p. 38). Establishment of liaisons in public are key in the establishment of crisis response, as most emergencies also require â€Å"facilitating communication between† the public and official bodies (Brock 1998, p. 272). Such communication has proven to empower the public to take part in the workings that exist to protect them. One such case is the British police, whose centuries-old operations were redrawn in the late 1970s and early 1980s in order to accommodate the changing needs of an increasingly diverse population. â€Å"As the twentieth century moved to a close the police were looming large in the national culture of the United Kingdom,† initially as figures on which the public could rely (Howell et al 1999, p. 207). The South Asian immigrant boom of the twentieth century caused rifts between the population and the police force. The majority of incidents reported were those of civil unrest, not criminal activity. Officers would respond who could do little, as their mode of operations did not accommodate for rioting or street violence. As a result, the standard of police services has drastically evolved since 1975, when â€Å"the public considered the UK police poor performers,† with surveys [recording] falling levels of public satisfaction with the police† (Ebbe 2000, p. 157). Both native Britons and new immigrants were contemptuous of a police force they perceived to be inept and indifferent. The British police therefore were required to change the nature of incident opera tion from one of simple response to one of containment. The inabilities of the police in the 1970s not only disheartened many citizens, but also proliferated violence and criminal transgressions. A growing â€Å"number of incidents of public disorder during the late 1970s and early 1980s were interpreted as symptoms of a loss of confidence in the police† (Ebbe 2000, p. 157). Change, however, did not come easily. The bureaucracies that served to protect law enforcement and other departments also stalled the evolution of police responsibilities and duties. Public intervention in the bureaucratic system for the most part hastened the facilitation of policy shift. In effect, the police developed a symbiotic relationship with the public, who revolutionized the police force; â€Å"communities [asked] for a more caring police [force],† one that operated more like a customer-service organization than a law enforcement agency (Ebbe 2000, p. 157). Operations at emergency scenes therefore became one that necessitated public involvement, especially in matters of containment. The official British stance changed, as police officers became more empowered. Changing their duties and responsibilities (not to mention their mode of operations) was a compromising situation for politicians from all parts of the governmental spectrum. The growing frequency of civil unrest and public disorder changed reactionary protocol from one of practiced methodology to one of severe administration of personal infringement. Officers essentially â€Å"have different powers to restrict the liberty of citizens and different degrees of discretion with regard to how and when these powers can be exercised† (Tupman et al 1997, p. 17). With full knowledge of these new powers in mind, the political left and right-wing were further polarized as neither could decide what limitations, if any, were called for with the growing number of riots and hate crimes. It was the â€Å"inner-city r iots of 1981† that prompted politicians to call â€Å"for new policing methods but, even as suggested reforms were being implemented, there were further scandals and increasingly political controversies† (Howell et al 1999, p. 208). Police duties and methodologies at the scenes of major events were called into question. The statute of containment superseded the statute of limitations previously set as â€Å"policing involves not only crime management (repression) but also order maintenance† (Tupman et al 1997, p. 27). Criminals were apprehended with no due process or formal charges levied against them, earning the police the widespread contempt of British citizenry; â€Å"at the very time when the public perceived that they were not being given effective protection against new classes of criminals, the police themselves seemed riddled with corruption and prone to conspire in ‘gross miscarriages of justice’† (Howell et al 1999, p. 208). As a re sult of media scrutiny and the police’s perennial existence in the public eye, the British government instituted a series of quality checks, rapidly and radically changing the face of emergency response. Quality checks have become a part of the British police force in order to ensure the smooth running of operations and the cooperation of the public in incident response. Public intervention caused an outcry among many law enforcement officials, who argued that the police existed outside the public in order to perform their duties unhindered by the public they were striving to protect. Many analysts countered, â€Å"arguing that the problem-oriented policing would answer many of the community concerns being raised by the changes in society, and would overcome the insular culture of the police† (Ebbe 2000, p. 158). Today, quality service checks and public involvement determines the course of police response methods and protocol. Quality checks prompt the police to change their mode of operations through â€Å"training, planning, and identifying† public needs (Ebbe 2000, p. 159). The police force’s involvement with the public is an exemplary incident displaying the operations that exist in order to better conform to the issues warranting emergency response. Perhaps most important are the functional areas of incident response that, along with bureaucratic requisite institutions, aid in retaining the efficacy of emergency response. The action of response is divided into five functional areas: â€Å"incident command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance† (Worsing 1993, p. 19). Delineated in Robert Worsing’s Rural Rescue and Emergency Care, the five areas are applicable in all aspects of emergency medical response. â€Å"All five functions† are implemented â€Å"in almost every rescue operation, though they may not be performed a s separate entities† (Worsing 1993, p. 19). Incident command serves as the operational head at the onset of every encounter, organizing and deploying response teams as deemed necessary. Operations serves to handle the physical protocol tailored to most every situation foreseeable, while planning handles workings with the city and different branches of government. Logistics and finance are incorporated at every turn, as both are immediately involved in the bureaucracies of incident response. Bureaucratic cooperation is essential in the sharing of information and the delegation of responsibility in all emergency response situations. Interdepartmental workings in both logistics and finance serve to better work in times of heightened stress. Often, â€Å"a system of mutual aid may be incorporated,† meaning â€Å"that different agencies or organizations may be preassigned [sic] to various functional areas† (Worsing 1993, p. 19). For example, a fire brigade may be sent to aid in emergencies when medical response resources may be depleted. The cross-assignment of duties relegated can prove to be a logistical nightmare, however. â€Å"One of the most common problems in emergency response occurs when more than one jurisdiction or agency is involved in an accident†; if more than one response team has the capability to treat an incident, logistics and operations cannot dictate and assign said duties as the departments have been separated for liability’s sake (Worsing 1993, p. 19). Policy shifts have allowed for â€Å"mutual aid agreements† to define â€Å"roles and responsibilities to minimize the potential for disagreements and problems,† speeding â€Å"the operational response to an incident† (Worsing 1993, p. 19). Ongoing bureaucratic reform ensures the smooth running of operations in incident response. These reforms and proposed changes in the policies of emergency response pose the potential to ensure furthered efficiency in incident response. Emergency medicine has the unique opportunity to contribute to health care and incident reform â€Å"by instituting a comprehensive and collaborative public health approach to emergency medicine† and incident response (Bernstein 1996, p. 15). The British government ensures â€Å"that resources [are] available† to facilitate policy shifts in order to reform deficient aspects of medical incident response (Bernstein 1996, p. 15). Incident response operations in the United Kingdom are heavily reliant on the bureaucracies that surround their workings. Most of the systems that enable them to carry out their daily functions are political in nature, as the five functional areas are reliant upon each other’s separation, regimentation, and cooperation in order to serve the public. Political action, not physical response, ensures the smooth execution of emergency care. Whether the police force, fire brigade, or EMT, incident response in the United Kingdom remains reliant upon the assurance of public and governmental intervention to preserve the nature and efficacy of incident response; what separates the United Kingdom from other countries is its citizen’s empowerment to become involved in the processes that develop emergency services. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bernstein, Edward. (1996) Case Studies in Emergency Medicine and the Health of thePublic. Boston, Jones Bartlett Publishers, Inc. Brock, Stephen E. et al. (1998) Preparing for Crises in the Schools: A Manual forBuilding School Crisis Response Teams. New York, John Wiley Sons, Inc. Chalk, Peter and William Rosenau. (2004) Confronting â€Å"The Enemy Within†: SecurityIntelligence, the Police, and Counterterrorism in Four Democracies. Santa Monica, Rand Publications. Davis, Lynn E. (2003) Individual Preparedness and Response to Chemical, Radiological,Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist Attacks. Santa Monica, Rand Inc. Ebbe, Obi N. Ignatius. (2000) Comparative and International Criminal Justice Systems:Policing Judiciary, and Corrections. Boston, Butterworth-Heinemann. Howell, David W. and Kenneth O. Morgan. (1999) Crime, Protest and Police inModern British Society: Essays in Honour of David J. V. Jones. Cardiff, U of Wales P. Private Publication. (2001) Acute Medical Emergencies: The Practical Approach.London, BMJ Books. Private Publication. (1999) Chemical and Biological Terrorism: Research andDevelopment to Improve Civilian Medical Response. Washington, National Academy Press. Skolnick, Jerome H. (1994) Violence in Urban America: Mobilizing a Response.Washington, National Academies Press. Tupman, Bill and Alison Tupman. (1999) Policing in Europe: Uniform in Diversity.Exeter, England Intellect Books, Inc. Worsing, Robert. (1993). Rural Rescue and Emergency Care. Rosemont, Jones BartlettPublishers, Inc.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

History Of Islam Essay -- essays research papers fc

When Charles Martel defeated the Muslims in Spain and stopped their advance into greater Europe (Ahmed 67)0, he most likely did not know just how much of an effect his victory had on the history of not only Europe, but of the known world. The fact that Islam may have overtaken the rest of the world had it not been for that crucial battle attests to the strength of this relatively new religion. If the strength of the religion is dependent upon those who start it, then it is important to analyze the life of the one key character in history who began it all. That key character is Muhammad, the man that is known as the first and last true prophet of Islam. Muhammad, the great prophet and founder of Islam, was born in 570 AD, and was soon an orphan without parents. He was raised by a family of modest means and was forced to work to support himself at an early age. He worked with a travelling caravan as a driver and at the age of twenty-five, married his employer, a woman by the name of Khadija, by which he had four daughters and no sons. In Mecca, the Ka'ba had long been a pagan pilgrimage site. A black stone, which had fallen to the earth, was kept in the cube that also held 360 idols representing different gods and prophets, one for each degree of the earth. The environment in which Muhammad was raised was a polytheistic society that had a strong emphasis on religion but not religious purity. This clear lack of religious dedication upset Muhammad greatly, and he began to speak out against the practice of idolatry. By this time Muhammad had gained a large following. By the age of forty, Muhammad began to receive visits from the angel Gabriel, who recited God's word to him at irregular intervals. These recitations, known as the Qur'an, were compiled by Muhammad's followers around 650 or 651. The basic message Muhammad received was that of submission. The very word Islam means "surrender" or "submission". The submission is to the will of Allah, the one and only true God. Muslims are those who have submitted themselves. The basic theme of Islam is very simple and clear: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah (Denny 67-70). Islam teaches that there is one God, the creator and sustainer of the universe. Muhammad taught his followers that this God, Allah, is compassionate and just. Further, he taught them that becaus... ...lly ignored by Christians for many years. The fact that these prophets had very little success was repeated in many of Muhammad's own experiences, while he preached the oneness of God to the Arabs in Mecca. The main point of his message was that he was the last in the series of prophets, the last person that would reveal the divine truth. Muhammad changed the religious world a great deal with a his only twenty-two years of leadership and service. He is considered the last and greatest prophet of God by more than a few Muslim believers, and it has been predicted that by the year 2000, one-fourth of the world's by then six billion people will call themselves Muslims (Braswell 207). Works Cited Ahmed, Akbar S. From Samarkand to Stornoway Living Islam. Great Britain: BBC Books, 1994 Braswell, George W., Jr, Islam: Its Prophet, Peoples, Politics and Power. United States of America: Broadman & Holman, 1996 Denny, Frederick Mathewson. An Introduction to Islam. New Jersey: Macmillan, 1985 Esposito, John L. Islam: The Straight Path. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998 Mayer, Ann Elizabeth. Islam Tradition and Politics Human Rights. Colorado: Westview Press, 1995 History Of Islam Essay -- essays research papers fc When Charles Martel defeated the Muslims in Spain and stopped their advance into greater Europe (Ahmed 67)0, he most likely did not know just how much of an effect his victory had on the history of not only Europe, but of the known world. The fact that Islam may have overtaken the rest of the world had it not been for that crucial battle attests to the strength of this relatively new religion. If the strength of the religion is dependent upon those who start it, then it is important to analyze the life of the one key character in history who began it all. That key character is Muhammad, the man that is known as the first and last true prophet of Islam. Muhammad, the great prophet and founder of Islam, was born in 570 AD, and was soon an orphan without parents. He was raised by a family of modest means and was forced to work to support himself at an early age. He worked with a travelling caravan as a driver and at the age of twenty-five, married his employer, a woman by the name of Khadija, by which he had four daughters and no sons. In Mecca, the Ka'ba had long been a pagan pilgrimage site. A black stone, which had fallen to the earth, was kept in the cube that also held 360 idols representing different gods and prophets, one for each degree of the earth. The environment in which Muhammad was raised was a polytheistic society that had a strong emphasis on religion but not religious purity. This clear lack of religious dedication upset Muhammad greatly, and he began to speak out against the practice of idolatry. By this time Muhammad had gained a large following. By the age of forty, Muhammad began to receive visits from the angel Gabriel, who recited God's word to him at irregular intervals. These recitations, known as the Qur'an, were compiled by Muhammad's followers around 650 or 651. The basic message Muhammad received was that of submission. The very word Islam means "surrender" or "submission". The submission is to the will of Allah, the one and only true God. Muslims are those who have submitted themselves. The basic theme of Islam is very simple and clear: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah (Denny 67-70). Islam teaches that there is one God, the creator and sustainer of the universe. Muhammad taught his followers that this God, Allah, is compassionate and just. Further, he taught them that becaus... ...lly ignored by Christians for many years. The fact that these prophets had very little success was repeated in many of Muhammad's own experiences, while he preached the oneness of God to the Arabs in Mecca. The main point of his message was that he was the last in the series of prophets, the last person that would reveal the divine truth. Muhammad changed the religious world a great deal with a his only twenty-two years of leadership and service. He is considered the last and greatest prophet of God by more than a few Muslim believers, and it has been predicted that by the year 2000, one-fourth of the world's by then six billion people will call themselves Muslims (Braswell 207). Works Cited Ahmed, Akbar S. From Samarkand to Stornoway Living Islam. Great Britain: BBC Books, 1994 Braswell, George W., Jr, Islam: Its Prophet, Peoples, Politics and Power. United States of America: Broadman & Holman, 1996 Denny, Frederick Mathewson. An Introduction to Islam. New Jersey: Macmillan, 1985 Esposito, John L. Islam: The Straight Path. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998 Mayer, Ann Elizabeth. Islam Tradition and Politics Human Rights. Colorado: Westview Press, 1995

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Make Recommendations for Improving Your Health Education Campaign Essay

The health education topic which I choose is sun awareness. I choose this campaign because more people are going on holidays and using sun beds and not being aware of the dangers and what it can cause. The 2009-10 National Skin Cancer Awareness Campaign is targeting to as low as 14-40 years as research has shown that these ages are still getting sun burnt each weekend in summer, and cumulative exposure to ultra violet radiation over your lifetime and episodes of sunburn increase the risk of skin cancer. This is because people can now afford to go on holidays more often and are not using sun cream and covering up. Also people at the age of 18 are now using sun beds more often because appearance means a lot to people at that age. They are becoming more self conscious about themselves and are using sun beds to get a quick, cheap and easy tan. My s. m. a. r. t objectives for skin cancer is SunSmart Policy to: Increase the knowledge and awareness of skin cancer. Assist to develop strategies that encourage responsible decision making about skin protection, including not sun baking. Work towards a safe school environment that provides shade for students and staff. Encourage students, parents, teachers, and staff to wear protective clothing, sunglasses, hats and sunscreen during high risk times such as lunch times, sports, excursions and camps. Ensure that parents are informed of the school’s SunSmart policy. Sun protection and skin cancer awareness programs are incorporated into the Health and Physical Education areas of the school curriculum. Wear the correct protection Clothing when out in the sun. The school is working towards increasing and/or maintaining shade in its grounds, particularly in areas where students congregate eg. Lunch, canteen, decking areas. Also to start showing the dangers of the sun and sun beds and try not to advertise sun beds. To try and make people follow these objectives I could make people aware of the dangers by showing them horrific pictures of skin cancer and the affects of sun burn. By showing them these images it would stick in there head and they would try and stop in taking a stupid amount of UV. By making videos of people with skin cancer could make them aware of how dangerous the sun is and using sun beds are. Also how the skin is affected by the sun by making you age. I think for my choice of approach I would make a presentation to a group of people making them aware of the causes of skin cancer. by doing this each person which intakes the awareness would hopefully tell there friends and the friends would tell other people which would make it a on going process to eventually people would realize the dangers. Hopefully this will help them adapt to sun smart and how important it is to just listen. The media which im going to choose posters, leaflets and games. This is a effective way to promote my campaign. There fun always full with bright colors and easy to understand. I think this is a good idea for my age range audience as its to 14-40. I think they will understand my media well and hopefully it will get to them. I will show pictures on my posters which are eye catching. These could be what a skin cancer mole looks like. Hopefully the audience will be educated by this and know what there looking for. I will also show badly burned people, this will scare the audience and make them use more sun cream and cover up. My game will be easy to use and fun. It will give someone good knowledge of skin cancer and the sun smart campaign and what’s it all about.

Friday, January 3, 2020

No Open Report On The Declaration Of Independence

No open report gives more unmistakable quality to the possibility of common law, nor depends all the more urgently upon regular law as a reason, than the Declaration of Independence. To comprehend why this is so and what it implies for American constitutionalism requires perusing the content of the Declaration in its political, recorded, and philosophical connection. As a political articulation, the Declaration was the zenith of an arrangement issued by the few Continental Congresses, the deliberate relationship of delegates of thirteen British settlements in North America that represented the pilgrims in general. These records indexed grievances against British pioneer arrangement, engaging generally to freedoms and benefits guaranteed under the English constitution and the regular law. Affirmations and petitions of this sort were themselves part of the English protected custom, from Magna Carta in 1215 through the 1689 Bill of Rights. The center area of the Declaration of Independence tails this example, specifying objections against the lord and Parliament asserting sacred infringement, illegal statutes, and demonstrations of persecution and war. The hypothesis of basic law is that there are standards of equity that emerge actually from the organic and social nature of mankind. I have in some cases examined that as far as there being an (unwri tten) constitution of nature, and a subordinate (unwritten) constitution of society, to which there is a subordinate constitutionShow MoreRelatedSeneca Falls The First Women s Rights Convention937 Words   |  4 Pagesand rights of women will be held†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (American Memory). The Seneca Falls community was open to the idea of changing public roles of women in society. So it was no surprise when about 300 people responded to the message in the courier. The convention took place for two days, Wednesday July 19, 1848 and Thursday July 20, 1989. 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